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Invisalign in Collierville Reveals Beautiful Smiles

woman putting in clear bracesIf you think you are too old to get braces, think again. It is never too late to improve the appearance and function of your smile with orthodontic treatment, and thanks to options in clear braces, it has also never been easier to get the smile you want. Dr. Joshua A. Holcomb is pleased to offer Invisalign in Collierville for teens and adults alike. Keep reading to find out how it works and whether or not it is right for your smile.

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign gradually realigns your bite using a series of clear plastic aligners. Each one is designed to fit snugly around your teeth at each stage of the treatment, placing consistent pressure on different areas of the bite to gradually improve its alignment.

Invisalign aligners are removable so you can continue to eat what you like and brush and floss your teeth without any special maneuvering. And, as long as you wear the aligners for the recommended 20 to 22 hours every day, you can feel free to remove them for limited special occasions -- like big meetings or presentations -- to speak with full confidence.

In general, treatment with Invisalign is short. Most are completed within 6 to 18 months. The total treatment time will depend on the complexity of your case and how well you comply with the instructions.

Exciting New Upgrades

Invisalign recently implemented some changes and upgrades to make the treatment even better. The special plastic materials used are now sturdier than before, and some patients can advance to the next aligner in the series after just one week instead of two. New compliance indicators that change colors when it is time to advance to the next aligner make it easier for teens to go through treatment with Invisalign.

Benefits of Invisalign

Is Invisalign Right for You?

Older teens and adults alike can benefit from Invisalign. If you are dealing with misaligned teeth but do not want to cover your smile up with metal brackets and wires, find out whether or not this is a great option for you by visiting our office. In general, Invisalign can be used to correct common orthodontic issues like:

You should be in suitable oral health before undergoing treatment with Invisalign. Booking a checkup and cleaning before beginning will help to ensure that your teeth are clean and healthy going into the treatment!

Who Can Invisalign Help?

Patient in Collierville smiling with Invisalign

Older teens and adults alike can benefit from Invisalign. If you’re dealing with misaligned teeth but don’t want to cover your smile with metal brackets and wires, Invisalign offers a more discreet and comfortable solution. If you’re not sure how your teeth could benefit from the treatment, continue reading below. You’ll find some of the exciting ways these clear aligners can straighten your smile. If you think Invisalign could be good for you, or if you have other questions, reach out to us to schedule your consultation.

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Crowded Teeth

Patient in Collierville with crowding

Teeth crowding is a common issue in many patients, especially as they age. Over time, your teeth slowly shift due to your diet, oral habits, and lifestyle choices. Sometimes, these shifts become so dramatic that they push your teeth together, so they slip past one another. This crowding can make oral hygiene difficult, increasing your risk of cavities and gum disease. Invisalign can pull your teeth back into alignment, granting better access to your toothbrush and floss.

Gaps Between Teeth

Patient in Collierville with tooth gaps

Tooth gaps are the opposite problem of crowding and usually occur as a result of genetics or tooth loss. Not only can these gaps cause excessive wear on your teeth, but they can also trap food particles and bacteria, causing tooth decay, bad breath, and other issues. Invisalign can bring your teeth closer together, eliminating these risks.


Patient in Collierville with an overbite

A small overlap of your top teeth over your bottom ones is to be expected. However, a severe overlap is known as an overbite, and it can be painful over time as it causes temporomandibular joint disorders and teeth grinding. Invisalign can be combined with elastics and SmartForce buttons to realign your jaw and pull your smile into alignment.


Patient in Collierville with an underbite

When your lower jaw is jutted forward, causing your lower teeth to overlap the upper ones, it’s known as an underbite. Both genetics and oral injuries play a part in creating this issue, causing an increased risk of sleep apnea and speech impediments. Invisalign can be effectively used to pull your top jaw forward and push the lower jaw back to bring your bite back together for greater comfort.


Patient in Collierville with a crossbite

When some teeth tilt back and others tilt forward, causing your teeth to cross over one another when you close your mouth, it’s a crossbite. When left alone, it can lead to long-term issues like increased chances of tooth decay, headaches, teeth grinding, and other issues that can hurt your oral health. An Invisalign treatment plan can be designed to tilt your teeth back into alignment, giving you a beautiful smile free from discomfort.

Open Bite

Patient in Collierville with an open bite

When you close your mouth, but your front teeth don’t touch, it’s known as an open bite. This oral issue is typically caused by poor bone development due to premature loss of baby teeth or consistent thumb or pacifier sucking. SmartForce attachments, elastics, and buttons can be used with Invisalign to slowly bring your teeth together again.

Invisalign FAQ’s

Do you still have questions about Invisalign treatment? No worries! Many people wonder about this option because it’s a newer technology compared to traditional braces. Dr. Holcomb wants you to have all of the information that you need before investing your time and money in Invisalign clear braces. That’s why we’ve included the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Invisalign in Collierville. Keep reading to satisfy your curiosity.

Do I Need to Visit the Dentist During My Treatment?

Yes! Because Invisalign works by slowly shifting your teeth into alignment, it’s important that we make sure that your treatment remains on track. You’ll come into our office every 6 to 8 weeks just to make sure everything is running smoothly. That way, if there’s a problem, we can make slight adjustments without having a huge effect on your treatment time. These visits will also give you an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have about the treatment or oral healthcare.

Does Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Unfortunately, most insurance plans don’t cover Invisalign treatment. Because it is an elected service with aesthetic benefits, insurance will typically only cover traditional braces. That’s because they see traditional orthodontics as a necessary treatment. That said, our friendly staff is great at maximizing any insurance benefits possible, and we offer financing options to help with cost for our patients.

Is Invisalign Painful?

No! You may have heard about uncomfortable orthodontic experiences, but Invisalign is different. You may experience initial soreness while your teeth are getting used to your aligners, but this will go away relatively quickly. Invisalign is comfortable because your trays are custom-made out of smooth plastic to fit around each tooth. Plus, unlike traditional braces, the inside of your mouth won’t get cut or caught on wires and brackets.

How Should I Care for My Aligners?

Caring for your aligners is important because it will ensure the success of your treatment while also keeping your mouth healthy. Be sure to brush your teeth after meals and before putting your aligners back in. You should also avoid eating or drinking anything except for water with your aligners. When cleaning, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild hand soap to avoid damaging the plastic. You should also avoid using hot water because warmer temperatures can permanently warp the plastic, which will negatively affect your treatment.

What Happens When My Treatment is Complete?

After your Invisalign treatment is completed and you’ve reached your desired results, we will give you a custom-made retainer with the same aesthetics as your aligners. Typically, we will recommend that you wear your retainer daily for the first few months, and then you can switch to nighttime use only, followed by just a couple nights a week. Using your retainer will ensure that your newly straight smile lasts for a lifetime, making your investment well worth it.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

To learn even more about Invisalign and to find out if it is a good option for your smile, we invite you to get in touch with your dentist in Collierville today. Contact Dr. Holcomb’s office and schedule an appointment to discuss clear braces and more!